Het Onderzoekscentrum voor Cultuur en Gender van de Vakgroep Talen en Culturen, Universiteit Gent, ondersteunt onderzoek naar en wetenschappelijke uitwisseling omtrent vraagstukken over identiteit, verschil en ongelijkheid in een geglobaliseerde wereld, en dit vanuit het perspectief van kritische theorie en met kwalitatieve onderzoeksmethodes (etnografie, levensverhaal analyse, discours analyse, literaire analyse, etc.).
Het centrum brengt onderzoekers samen uit de menswetenschappen en de sociale wetenschappen die geïnteresseerd zijn in de studie van cultuur op het kruispunt met gender en andere identiteitscategorieën zoals seksualiteit, etniciteit, klasse, natie, leeftijd, religie,….
Din03Dec.20244:00 pmAmsterdam/online
PhD defense Nika Looman: "Queer late/r life sex Women and non-binary people's unruly stories"
On Tuesday, December 3, 2024, Nika Looman's public defense will take place. We would like to cordially invite you to attend in person or via live stream.
Nika has been working on their research 'Queer late/r life sex. Women and non-binary people's unruly stories' for four years. To conclude this trajectory, Nika will defend their research and receive their doctorate.
After the defense, there will be a reception where you can congratulate Nika. In support of Palestine and in line with the BDS (boycott, divest and sanctions) guidelines, only coffee and tea will be served.
We hope to see you on this special day. If you have any questions about the defense, please do not hesitate to contact us (mars@essb.eur.nl).
About the research
This dissertation centralizes the unruly sexual stories of queer women and non-binary people between the ages of forty-four and eighty-six. Their stories disrupt the limiting and contradicting narratives of ageing as decline or that promise success when sexual attractiveness and sexual availability are maintained late/r in life.By paying careful attention to the entangledness of materiality, discourse, and un/expected relations to sex late/r in life, this dissertation examines how stories of old/er queer women and non-binary people can (re)configure prevailing narratives of ageing, sex, and intimacy.
Nika Looman completed their doctoral research within the ERC-project LiLI 'Later-in-Life Intimacy: Women's Unruly Practices, Places and Representations'at Ghent University's Centre for Research on Culture and Gender.
DetailsDate and time
Tuesday, 3 December 2024 - 16h00 (GMT+1)
After 16h15 it will not be possible to enter the ceremony hall anymore.Join in person
Chapel of the Convent of Saint Agnes
Oudezijds Voorburgwal 229-231
1012 EZ Amsterdam
The NetherlandsJoin the live stream by simply clicking the link below, no registration required
Queer late/r life sex. Women and non binary people’s unruly stories Online. -
Ma09Dec.202412:00 - 13:30Ghent University - Campus Tweekerken Room 1.10 Sint-Pietersplein 7 - 9000 Ghent
CRCG Lunch seminar Anandita Pan: "Justice for whom? Gender, Caste, and Intersectionality"
Show contentThe seminar
The topic of gender justice must begin with the inevitable question: what gender is justice? Linda R. Hirshman asks, “Is the law male?” Hirshman’s question points out how the "maleness" of the legal system affects every woman.Dr. Pan's lecture will focus on gender justice through the lens of intersectionality to emphasize the necessity of recognizing the interconnectedness as well as differences among categories. Intersectionality challenges traditional notions of justice that treat social categories as separate or distinct.
Instead, it calls for an approach to justice that acknowledges how various systems of oppression (e.g., sexism, casteism, classism) intersect and compound one another. Achieving gender justice, therefore, requires addressing these interconnected forms of oppression holistically.
About the speaker
Dr. Anandita Pan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Liberal Arts, IIT Hyderabad. Her areas of interest are Feminist theory, Gender Studies, and Dalit Feminism. She is the author of Mapping Dalit Feminism: Towards An Intersectional Standpoint (Sage-Stree, 2020) and Aesthetics in India: Transitions and Transformations (Orient Blackswan, 2023). She is the recipient of the President's Award for Best paper at the IAWS conference, 2020.9 December 2024
12h00 - 13h30Join us in person
Ghent University - Campus Tweekerken
Room 1.10
Sint-Pietersplein 7 - 9000 GhentRegister and attend online
Click here to register and join on Microsoft TeamsOrganised by
SANGH - South Asia Network Ghent
CRCG - Center for Research on Culture and GenderContact: Hannah.VandenBroucke@UGent.be
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